How can we help you?

If you're unable to place your order on our website, please try these steps:

1. Remove all special characters (such as / ( & € \* # ) from the checkout fields and change all letters to classic Roman letters (u y z c d r s) if needed. Make sure that all mandatory fields are filled in. They will be marked with *.

2. Refresh your browser. If any items sold out during your session, this should now be visible in your cart.

3. Use another device. E.g. If you're on a mobile device, please try from a computer instead.

4. Clear cookies and cache from your browser. If this doesn't work, try in a different browser.

5. The shipping country determines which regional website to shop from. To make sure that you order from the correct regional website, please choose your flag/shipping country in the country selector in the main menu.

If none of the above suggestions resolve the issue, please contact our support.